Property Management

Understanding all the problems which are encountered by a rentier (the owner of a real estate, given into lease in order to receive benefits) in his activity, and being an expert with a serious background in this domain, “Glemus-Com” Company is glad to make you the following proposition (suitable for your real estate).
Asset management of real estate:
The real estate, foreseen for lease, can be both a nice investment of capital and represent a source of problems for the investors. Let our qualified staff help you to avoid such “snares” in your experience of owning a property for lease. Why successful investors choose us as the managing company of their properties? Glemus Property Management has an invaluable experience which simply lacks most of the landlords. Our job consists in solving the problems that impede the investors to obtain a maximum profitability from their investment. Our competence in the area of real estate represents a key factor to our prosperous activity in the property management. In order to increase the benefits from your investments we offer you a package of services, which encounter the following:
Preinvestment Consulting
As a rule, 1st step in our work. There is nobody to know better client’s needs as well as we do, because we are in a permanent contact with the client. If we begin our work from this first step until the creation of the project, than the investor is saved from unnecessary expenses. With us the investor can establish a competent investment budget.
- Marketing
Marketing is one of the biggest parts of any commercial project. The expenses for the promotion of a new product are enormous and may be lasting. If we are managing the project, we are taking care of such expanses. Therefore your property becomes part of our network of accommodation, moreover part of the reservation system. The information regarding your apartments is situated on the sites of our company, and if the total space of your property consists of more than 500 square meters; it will be created a website for it alone based on developed by our company software and connected to the existing booking control system. Besides of online promoting, most of diplomatic missions credited in RM, international organizations and big international companies, who are already our clients, will become your potential tenants.
- Maintanance
Very important part of the property management consists in the continuous maintenance of it in order of keeping it in ideal condition. Considering this, the stuff of the company, besides the administrative stuff, includes: technically qualified person, electrician, driver, cleaning personnel and laundry workers; which means 1. we less depend on outside working forces and 2. a real economy of investor’s funds for the operational service.
- Customer’s care and reservation
The established system of customer’s care also represents one our competitive advantage. For the client we work almost with out days off and contacting us is possible with all the ways of communication, besides sending messages with white doves?. If there is a need we can bring the client from the airport, book for him a table in the restaurant, congratulate him with their Birthday, and sometimes even to tell the client what is the time when he calls at midnight?. The checking of the availability of apartments is available on line, due to specially developed software. Here is how it looks:
- Financial management
One of other important tasks of our company is the minimization of the expenses and the maximization of the investor’s profit, therefore the income optimization ? (the task that is really accomplished by us).Below you will find the whole way of the financial operations, the result of which is the investor’s income:
As you can see the investor’s participation in all the work is deducted to the minimum. The investor is to supervise. In order to ease the supervising process we have elaborated a specialized software, the so called “Investor’s Zone”:
This system allows the investor to supervise the reservation schedule of all the apartments, and also provides the whole picture of the profits and expenses of the project as a whole. Therefore, our company’s internal accounting records and the system of the external monitoring guarantee a complete transparency in our work.
Why choose “Glemus-Com”? or Benefits of our proposal
“Glemus - Com” is the only company in Moldova, which possesses real experience in the domain of professional management of such kind of projects. The existence of a big Client Database. The investor does not have the need to hire administration and service personnel. Zero expenses for the advertising.